KERNELV_RETURN | kernelv_set_call_ratio (unsigned short int dec_calls, |
Defines the ratio of decoder calls to interpolator calls. One interpolator call is executed for every kernelv_do_cycle() call. In many real-time environments the cycle time for the path preparation task can be set irrespective of the interpolator cycle time. The function sets a ratio between path preparation cycles and interpolator cycles for the kernelv DLL.
The kernelv_set_call_ratio(5, 2) function sets a ratio of 5 path preparation calls to 2 interpolator calls.
The parameters dec_calls and interpolator_calls may not both be 0. The ratio between the two parameters must be within the range [0,05 , 20].
Name | Type | Meaning |
dec_calls | unsigned short | Number of path preparation cycles. |
interpolator_calls | unsigned short | Number of interpolator cycles. |
Return values
Symbol | Value | Meaning |
RET_FINISHED | 0 | The function was executed without error. |
ERR_INVALID_ | -30 | One of the parameters transferred is invalid. The following conditions apply: dec_calls, interpolator_calls <> 0 0.05 ≤ dec_calls/interpolator_calls ≤ 20. |