Axis parameter
Additional information
- Overview of axis-specific parameters
- General description
- Axis data header (kopf.*)
- General axis data (kenngr.*)
- Functional settings
- Gear step dependent parameters (getriebe[i].*)
- Parameters for position control
- Parameters of the axis peripheral interfaces for position control (lr_hw[i].*)
- Parameters for feedforward control
- Parameters for drives (antr.*)
- Parameters for manual operation (handbetrieb.*)
- Parameters for measurement simulation (meas_simu.*)
- Axis-specific filter functions
- Parameters for axis specific transformation (trafo.*)
- Parameters for path dependent on dynamic weighting (dynamic_weighting.*)
- User-defined data (customer.*)
- Filter parameters for error handling on axis (error_filter[i].*)
- Parameter of the external compensation
- Settings for throughfeed machining (conv_sync.*)
- General examples
- Appendix