Tips for HTML Search
Caution when using search terms with spaces between them
The HTML5 search functions function as a so-called “full text search” with the terms logically linked by an OR and not by an AND function! The search finds strings and not whole words. This distinction is particularly important...
- ...when searching for whole words. In this case, enter spaces.
Example: Do not search for "SWE", but for " SWE ". - ...if, for example, you are searching for a command with a space in between, the search result is different when you enter #CS ON than with "#CS ON" (note the "[search term]" characters). The quotation marks here serve as a logical AND link between terms.

Use the “CTRL+F” command to search within a browser window.
A tip for navigating through (a large number of) search hits
You can easily display a (2nd) new window within the search results menu by right-clicking with the mouse and selecting “Open link in new tab/window”.