Resolution of the position measuring system
Configuration of the conversion factor
To convert the increments supplied by the position measuring system to the metric system (the unit used internally), the conversion factor must be entered in the two entries getriebe[x].wegaufz and getriebe[x].wegaufn. If gears are present, they must also be taken into consideration. The resolution is specified as a fraction and the dimension is increments/0.1 µm and Increments per 0.0001°.

Example 1
For an incremental encoder with 4096 increments and a spindle pitch of 5 mm, the resolution is 4096 increments per 5 mm. Therefore, enter the following data in the axis parameter list:
getriebe[0].wegaufz 4096
getriebe[0].wegaufn 50000

Example 2
In addition, if a gear is used with a gear ratio of i = 10:1, the distance per motor revolution is 5 mm / i. This results in the following for wegaufz and wegaufn:
getriebe[0].wegaufz 4096
getriebe[0].wegaufn 5000
Variable name | Type | permitted range | Dimension |
wegaufz | SGN32 | MAX(SGN32) → wegaufz → 1 | Incr. |
Variable name | Type | permitted range | Dimension |
wegaufn | SGN32 | MAX(SGN32) → wegaufn → 1 | 0.1µm or 0.0001° |

Each of these entries is not directly adopted when the axis parameter list is updated. A controller restart is required.

For SERCOS drives with position control in the controller (CNC_ POSITION_CONTROL mode), the path resolution of the measuring system is taken into consideration in the feedrate constant S-0-0123, i.e. the value 1 results for the quotient P-AXIS-00234/ P-AXIS-00233.