Coordinate systems

Subroutine Coordinate System PCS
This coordinate system is used for geometry description based on the DIN 66025 programming syntax language. The data in a subroutine represents program coordinates.
Workpiece Coordinate System WCS
This coordinate system refers to a fixed point of the workpiece. The coordinate description of the workpiece refers to this system.
The workpiece coordinate system without offsets is used as the basic coordinate system (WCS0).
Machine Coordinate System MCS
The machine coordinate system represents an abstract coordinate system that is defined by the machine manufacturer. All other coordinate systems refer to this system.
If the machine has no Cartesian axis structure (e.g. robot), the machine coordinate system is only virtual.
Axis Coordinate System ACS
Each axis has a separate coordinate system. Each axis is either fitted to the machine bed itself or to another axis. This means that the machine bed or the associated axis forms the basis. Therefore, the axis coordinate system is defined related to its fixed point.