Position offsets
Offset management in PCS – WCS transformations
If an offset needs to be activated between the programmed coordinates PCS and the actual physical axis positions ACS, you have a number of options as user.
CNC-programmed offsets (G54, G92, etc.) are taken into consideration between PCS and WCS.
If the kinematics of a machine require offsets on the axis coordinate system, this is taken into consideration in the transformation.

Programing Example

Use of axis-specific offsets in kinematic transformation
N010 G54 ; activate zero point offsets at ACS=PCS level
N020 G0 X0 Y0 Z0 B0 C0 ; move to zero at PCS level
; …
N090 G53 ; deactivate PCS offsets
; …
N120 V.G.KIN[500].PARAM[40] = <x_offset in [0.1 µm]>
N130 V.G.KIN[500].PARAM[43] = <b_offset in [0.0001 degree]>
N140 V.G.KIN[500].PARAM[44] = <c_offset> in [0.0001 degree]
N200 #KIN ID[500] ; select kinematic type
N210 #TRAFO ON ; ACS offsets are considered inside transformation
N220 G01 X100 C90
N240 G92 X400 C180 ; activate additional offset at PCS level
N250 G01 X12 C0
N340 G56 ; activate additional offset at PCS level
N350 G01 X2 C50
N999 M30
Access to kinematic parameters
If kinematic parameters are initialised in the CNC program, they are forwarded to the forward/backward algorithms as transformation input parameters (the parameter index used is transformation-specific).