Transformation methods

The following methods must be implemented when creating a transformation (TcNcKinematicsInterfaces.h).


Transformation of the axis positions into the programming coordinate system.

PTcCncTrafoParameter *p

Current parameters of the transformation


Transformation of the programming coordinates into the axis coordinate system.

PTcCncTrafoParameter *p

Current parameters of the transformation


When the transformation is selected, a configuration request (required axis numbers) is executed once.

ULONG * pForwardInput

Number of forward transformation input coordinates (= number of reverse transformation output coordinates)

ULONG * pForwardInput

Number of forward transformation output coordinates (= number of reverse transformation input coordinates)


Initialising the transformation and requesting options

PTcCncTrafoParameter *p

Current parameters of the transformation

bool fwd




The corresponding member variables must be initialised in the constructor of the "ITcCncTrafo" class to dimension the input and output coordinates.

Dimensioning the input and output coordinates
Dimensioning the input and output coordinates