Concatenating transformations, multistep transformations

Multi-step capability - Additive kinematic transformation

Normally, only one kinematic transformation is used but the CNC offers the option of cascading several partial kinematic transformations. At present, an additional transformation can be concatenated to the normal transformation

Using this option, you can structure your transformations independently:

Concatenating kinematic transformations
Concatenating kinematic transformations

Initialising kinematic parameters

The kinematic parameters for each step of the kinematic transformation can be initialised in the channel list in the following form:

  kin_step[0].id[83].param[0]              10000

  kin_step[1].id[51].param[0]              55000

  kin_step[1].id[51].param[1]              80000

Initialising the standard transformation

The standard transformation of each step can be defined in the channel list in the following form.

  default_id_of_kin_step[0]                   83

  default_id_of_kin_step[1]                   51

Accessing parameters in the NC program

The kinematic parameters of each step can be addressed in the NC program in the following way.,

  N10 V.G.KIN_STEP[1].ID[1].PARAM[0] = 55000

  N20 V.G.KIN_STEP[1].ID[1].PARAM[1] = 80000

Activating a transformation for every step

Each of the kinematic steps can be selected by the following NC commands:

  #TRAFO [<kin-id-step0>, <kin-id-step1>]


    ;DEFAULT = value of parameter default_id_of_kin_step[]

  #TRAFO [ OFF, <kin-id-step1>]

  #TRAFO [<kin-id-step0>, OFF]