Version identifier of transformation interface
The transformation interface has a unique version identifier (<Major>.<Minor>). The CNC version number is supplied to the TcCOM transformation in the data item p->CncInterfaceVersion. The TcCOM object can request the unique version number using the GetInterfaceVersion() method. The CNC transformation interface is downwards compatible, i.e. TcCOM objects of an older interface version can continue to be used together with more recent CNC versions. However, the opposite does not apply: The interface version of the CNC must be at least as up-to-date as the transformation interface of the TcCOM object. Otherwise, the CNC generates the error message ID 292044.

HRESULT <UserTrafo>::TrafoSupported(PTcCncTrafoParameter p, bool fwd)
TcCncVersion TcCOMInterfaceVersion;
if ( (TcCOMInterfaceVersion.major <= p->CncInterfaceVersion.major)
&& (TcCOMInterfaceVersion.minor <= p->CncInterfaceVersion.minor))
return S_OK;