Rotation sequence
When transformations are complete, the sequence of rotations executed about the 3 rotary axes can be defined to meet the requirements (see P-CHAN-00112). If this is required, the TcCOM transformation must also take this into consideration. Therefore, the current setting is transferred to the transformation in the p->actual_orientation_mode parameter. The rotation sequences supported in the transformation can be sent to the CNC in the data item p->supported_orientation_modes When the transformation is selected, the CNC checks the setting in P-CHAN-00112 for plausibility and generates the error message ID 292045 if the transformation does not support the selected rotation sequence.
CNC --> TcCOM transformation:
p->actual_orientation_mode | Meaning |
EcCncTrafoOri_None | No rotation |
EcCncTrafoOri_YPR | Yaw-Pitch-Roll rotation sequence: 1st rotation about Z, 2nd negative rotation about Y, 3rd rotation about X |
EcCncTrafoOri_CBC1 | Euler rotation sequence: 1st rotation about Z, 2nd rotation about Y, 3rd rotation about Z‘ |
EcCncTrafoOri_CBA | 1st rotation about Z, 2nd rotation about Y, 3rd rotation about X |
EcCncTrafoOri_CAB | 1st rotation about Z, 2nd rotation about X, 3rd rotation about Y |
EcCncTrafoOri_AB | 1st rotation about X, 2nd rotation about Y |
EcCncTrafoOri_BA | 1st rotation about Y, 2nd rotation about X |
EcCncTrafoOri_CA | 1st rotation about Z, 2nd rotation about X |
EcCncTrafoOri_CB | 1st rotation about Z, 2nd rotation about Y |
TcCOM transformation --> CNC:
p->supported_orientation_modes | Meaning |
.f_YPR | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence YPR |
.f_CBC1 | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence CBC‘ |
.f_CBA | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence CBA |
.f_CAB | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence CAB |
.f_AB | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence AB |
.f_BA | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence BA |
.f_CA | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence CA |
.f_CB | = TRUE, transformation supports rotation sequence CB |
By default, the CNC uses the setting EcCncTrafoOri_YPR (Yaw->Pitch->Roll). Accordingly, the data item p->supported_orientation_mode.f_YPR is set to the value TRUE by default.

HRESULT <UserTrafo>::TrafoSupported(PTcCncTrafoParameter p, bool fwd)
/* Transformation supports YPR and Euler rotation sequence. */
p->supported_orientation_modes.f_YPR = TRUE;
p->supported_orientation_modes.f_CBC1 = TRUE;
return S_OK;
HRESULT <UserTrafo>::Backward(PTcCncTrafoParameter p)
if (EcCncTrafoOri_CBC1 == p->actual_orientation_mode)
/* Rotation sequence acc. to Euler active */
return S_OK;