Integrate transformation

Integrate the transformation into the existing CNC configuration as follows:

Integrate TcCOM object
Integrate TcCOM object

The integration is completed when you press the “OK” button to confirm.

Double-click on the TcCOM object to display the properties.

Properties of the TcCOM object
Properties of the TcCOM object


Permissible values




Type = 1 specifies that the TcCOM object is a kinematic transformation.


0 <= group <= number of channels

The group parameter specifies which CNC channel may access the transformation. If group = 0, the transformation is available for all CNC channels.


500 <= index <= 999

For compatibility reasons:

65 <= index <= 69

The index parameter provides the transformation with a unique ID in the CNC channel by means of which it can be addressed in the CNC, e.g. in the NC program with the command #KIN ID [500].

Parameterise the transformation in the CNC

The created kinematic must still be parameterised in the CNC: This is executed in the default channel parameter list or in a specific channel parameter list.

Parameterise the transformation in the channel parameter list
Parameterise the transformation in the channel parameter list

The transformation ID to be entered in the index of the TcCOM object.