Parameterising contouring modes in the NC program (#CONTOUR MODE)
Before the actual activation of polynomial contouring (G61/G261), the individual options are parameterised by the NC command #CONTOUR MODE.
Depending on the contour mode, specific keywords are provided for parameterisation. The command has the following syntax structure:
#CONTOUR MODE [<contour_mode> <parameter> <action> ] |
<contour_mode> | DEV | Contouring with corner deviation (default) |
| DIST | Contouring with corner distance |
DIST_SOFT | Dynamic optimised contouring | |
DIST_MASTER | Dynamic optimised contouring with master axis | |
POS | Contouring with interim point | |
PTP | Dynamically optimised contouring of the contour. |
<Parameter> | PATH_DEV TRACK_DEV ... | Caution: The parameters for deviations and tolerances must always be specified in [mm, inch] or [°]. When specifying in [inch], please refer to the note in P-CHAN-00439. |
<action> | PRE_ACTION |
Execute M/H actions related to the contouring curve |