Contour with interim point
Here, the user specifies not only the corner distances but also an interim point P at which the two polynomial curves are adjacent to each other (expert mode). This mode permits the retention of the programmed contour and fully utilises the dynamics by specifying the corner distance zero. In other words, the corner distances need not be symmetrical here.
Syntax of parameterisation: |
#CONTOUR MODE [ POS [PRE_DIST=..] [POST_DIST=..] [X..] [Y..] [Z..] [<action>] [CHECK_JERK=..] [CONST_VEL=..] ] |
POS | Contour by specifying the interim point |
PRE_DIST=.. | Corner distance in [mm, inch*] after which there is a deviation from the original contour. The value 0 mm is possible here. Default value: 1 mm *when P-CHAN-00439 is active |
POST_DIST=.. | Corner distance in [mm, inch*] after which there is a return to the original contour. The value 0 mm is possible here. Default value: 1 mm *when P-CHAN-00439 is active |
X.. | Position of interim point in the first main axis in [mm, inch] |
Y.. | Position of interim point in the second main axis in [mm, inch] |
Z.. | Position of interim point in the third main axis in [mm, inch] |
<action> | Identifier for time of execution of additional actions (M/H): PRE_ACTION: Actions before contouring curve. INTER_ACTION: Actions during the contouring curve (default). POST_ACTION: Actions after contouring curve. |
CHECK_JERK=.. | Jerk monitoring caused by curvature of the polynomial (cf. P-CHAN-00110) with: 0: Without jerk monitoring (default). 1: Jerk monitoring based on the geometric ramp time (P-AXIS-00199). This may reduce path velocity 2: Jerk monitoring based on ramp times P-AXIS-00195 up to P-AXIS-00198 of the non-linear velocity profile |
CONST_VEL=.. | Constant path velocity in the contouring section with: 0: Without constant path velocity (default). 1: At constant path velocity. |
Programing Example

Contour with interim point
N110 G01 X100 G61
N120 G01 Y100