Release Note

This function block is available as of CNC Build V3.1.3103.1.
The function block is used to transfer job data, program parameters and program modes to a data structure of the MC_PATH_DATA_REF type. This structure is output at the PathData output and must be transferred to the corresponding input of an MC_MovePath instance.
The function block inputs can be written by the user. Alternatively, the function block can be linked to the outputs of an MCV_GrpGetJobRequest instance to forward jobs generated by an HMI or another NC channel, for example.

The structure MC_PATH_DATA_REF may only be described by instances of the type MCV_GrpPathPrepare. This ensures that future changes to the library have no impacts on existing PLC programs.

What remains permitted is the direct entry of a name or path for an NC program on MC_PATH_DATA_REF. Existing PLC applications can then be used unchanged without job management or parameterisation. In this case, it is not permitted to use MCV_GrpPathPrepare.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Execute | BOOL | The function block is executed on a rising edge at the input. |
FileName | STRING(MCV_PROG_NAME_STRLEN) | Program name of a job. |
JobID | Job information | |
PathParameter | Program parameters of a job. Parameters can be accessed in the called NC program (FileName). PL[0] corresponds to the variable @PL1 and PL[19] corresponds to the variable @PL20. Unused parameters are prefixed by “0”. | |
PathMode | Parameter for program mode of a job. The following are available: - InitializeOnActualPosition,
BufferModeIn | MC_BUFFERMODE | BufferMode of a job. mcAborting= 0 mcBuffered= 1 mcBlendingPrev= 3 |
JobStack | Information on the job source Only needed if the job was read in by an instance of the MCV_GrpGetJobRequest. Otherwise, the input must remain unassigned. | |
JobAttribute | UDINT | Identification number which is freely assignable by the user. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Done | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the data structure MC_PATH_DATA_REF was correctly filled out and can be transferred together with the value of the "BufferModeOut” output to an instance of the MC_MovePath function block. |
Error | BOOL | TRUE indicates that an error occurred. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error code |
PathData | Structure for use at the “PathData” input of an instance of the MC_MovePath. | |
BufferModeOut | MC_BUFFERMODE | BufferMode for use at the “BufferMode” input of an instance of the MC_MovePath function block. |