Programming example
Programing Example

Helical drill milling
CycleName: SysDrillHelicalMilling.ecy
CycleDescription: Drilling a hole by helical millling
; input parameters:
V.L.SurfacePosition = 0 ; 1 Z position of workpiece surface
V.L.RetractionPlane = 20 ; 2 Z position of retraction plane
V.L.SafetyClearance = 2 ; 3 relative value of safety clear. in Z
V.L.DrillingDepth = 15 ; 4 depth
V.L.HelicalPitch = 3 ; 7 pitch for helical motion
V.L.RadialInfeed = 6 ; 12 infeed radial
V.L.DrillingDiam = 30 ; 68 drilling diameter
V.L.CW_OR_CCW = 1 ; 30 clockwise or counter-clockwise
V.L.MachiningMode = 1 ; 33 machining mode at the base
; tool change
T8 D8
; technology data
G17 G90 G54 S1000 M03 F4000
; positioning to the starting point
G00 Z30
G00 X20 Y20
; cycle call
L CYCLE [NAME=SysDrillHelicalMilling.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DrillingDepth \
@P7 = V.L.HelicalPitch \
@P12 = V.L.RadialInfeed \
@P68 = V.L.DrillingDiam \
@P30 = V.L.CW_OR_CCW \
@P33 = V.L.MachiningMode \
;Final position, stop of spindle
G00 Z150 M5