Programming example
Programing Example

Thread tapping
; input parameters:
V.L.SurfacePosition = 0 (Z position of workpiece surface )
V.L.RetractionPlane = 20 (Z position of retraction plane )
V.L.SafetyClearance = 5 (rel. value of safety clear. in Z )
V.L.DrillingDepth = 20 (depth )
V.L.ThreadPitch = 1 (pitch of the thread )
V.L.SpindleSpeed = 200 (spindle rotation speed )
V.L.NumberOfFeeds = 2 (number of feeds )
V.L.DwellTime = 2 (dwell time )
V.L.ThreadType = -1 (thread type (default = 1))
V.L.MachiningMode = 1 (machining mode )
V.L.ReturnClearance = 3 (return clear. chip breaking/evac.)
V.L.SpindlePositioningMode = 0 (angle of pos. (default = 0) )
T3 D3 (Current tool data )
M6 (Tool change )
G17 G90 G54 S400 M03 (Technology data )
Z200 (Travel to retraction plane )
( right-hand thread )
X20 Y20 (Thread tapping position )
L CYCLE [NAME=SysDrillTapping.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DrillingDepth \
@P7 = V.L.ThreadPitch \
@P24 = V.L.SpindleSpeed \
@P62 = V.L.SpindlePositioningMode \
T13 D13 (Current tool data )
M6 (Tool change )
G17 G90 G54 S400 M04 (Technology data )
Z200 (Travel to retraction plane )
( left-hand thread )
X40 Y20 (Thread tapping position )
L CYCLE [NAME=SysDrillTapping.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DrillingDepth \
@P7 = V.L.ThreadPitch \
@P18 = V.L.ThreadType \
@P24 = V.L.SpindleSpeed \
@P62 = V.L.SpindlePositioningMode \
T3 D3 (Current tool data )
M6 (Tool change )
G17 G90 G54 S400 M03 (Technology data )
Z200 (Travel to retraction plane )
; Threading with chip breaking
( Thread drilling in two steps, with chip breaking, right-hand thread )
X60 Y20 (Thread tapping position )
L CYCLE [NAME=SysDrillTapping.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DrillingDepth \
@P7 = V.L.ThreadPitch \
@P11 = V.L.NumberOfFeeds \
@P24 = V.L.SpindleSpeed \
@P31 = V.L.MachiningMode \
@P61 = V.L.ReturnClearance \
@P62 = V.L.SpindlePositioningMode \
; Thread tapping with chip evacuation
( Thread tapping in three steps, chip evacuation, right-hand thread )
X80 Y20 (Thread tapping position )
V.L.NumberOfFeeds = 3 (number of feeds )
V.L.MachiningMode = 2 (machining mode )
L CYCLE [NAME=SysDrillTapping.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DrillingDepth \
@P7 = V.L.ThreadPitch \
@P11 = V.L.NumberOfFeeds \
@P24 = V.L.SpindleSpeed \
@P31 = V.L.MachiningMode \
@P61 = V.L.ReturnClearance \
@P62 = V.L.SpindlePositioningMode \
Z200 M5 (Parking position, spindle stop )