ID 50950

APPROACH-definition in DonwShape and Escape-channel different.


The APPROACH definitions in the DR and ESCAPE channels must be identical.
The APPROACH start in the DR channel is defined with activation of the ESCAPE channel and the APPROACH end is defined with activation of the ORBIT channel.
The APPROACH start in the ESCAPE channel is defined with the command #OPTIONAL EXECUTION ON [APPROACH] and the APPROACH end is defined with the command #OPTIONAL EXECUTION OFF l.
This error occurs when the programmed APPROACH geometries in the channels are different after the ORBIT channel was activated.




Controlled halt of the axis, the control loop is closed.




Program the identical APPROACH geometry in the DR and ESCAPE channels.



Current value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Distance of the entire APPROACH geometry in the DR channel.


Expected value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Distance of the entire APPROACH geometry in the ESCAPE channel.


Current value [-]

Difference between the programmed distances.


Identification number [-]

ESCAPE start request ID


Identification number [-]

ESCAPE restart request ID

Error type

1, Error message from NC program.