Programming example
Programing Example

Mill longholes arranged in a circle
T8 D8 ( Tool data )
M6 ( Tool change )
G90 G54 F200 S2000 M03 ( Technology data )
G00 Z100 ( Go to Z start position )
G00 X50 Y50 ( Go to the center of the slot )
; input parameters:
V.L.SurfacePosition = 0 ( Z position of workpiece surface )
V.L.RetractionPlane = 40 ( Z position of retraction plane )
V.L.SafetyClearance = 10 ( relative value of safety clearance in Z )
V.L.DepthOfHole = 10 ( depth of hole )
V.L.MaxIncrementZ = 3 ( maximum infeed in Z )
V.L.NumberOfHoles = 4 ( number of holes )
V.L.HoleLength = 50 ( length of the hole )
V.L.Radius = 20 ( radius of the hole centres )
; optional parameters:
V.L.FeedRateXY = 1000 ( machining feed rate in XY )
V.L.FeedRateZ = 500 ( plunging feed rate )
V.L.PlungingModeZ = 1 ( plunging mode in Z )
; Oscillating infeed in Z
L CYCLE[NAME=SysMillLonghole.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DepthOfHole \
@P5 = V.L.MaxIncrementZ \
@P20 = V.L.FeedRateXY \
@P21 = V.L.FeedRateZ \
@P44 = V.L.NumberOfHoles \
@P72 = V.L.HoleLength \
@P74 = V.L.Radius \
; Vertical infeed in Z
L CYCLE[NAME=SysMillLonghole.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DepthOfHole \
@P5 = V.L.MaxIncrementZ \
@P20 = V.L.FeedRateXY \
@P21 = V.L.FeedRateZ \
@P32 = V.L.PlungingModeZ \
@P44 = V.L.NumberOfHoles \
@P72 = V.L.HoleLength \
@P74 = V.L.Radius \