Operating principle
The Vibration Guard function acts on the axis setpoint signal of each axis. Vibration Guard smooths the signal so that the setpoint signal only excites the machine slightly within the specified frequency range or not at all. An example of setpoint signal smoothing is depicted in the graphic below using a spring-mass damper system.
The signal curve or smoothing has a different characteristic depending on the Vibration Guard mode used. Smoothing also causes a deviation from the original setpoint curve. Therefore, the use of Vibration Guard entails a certain amount of error or distortion in each axis. This error may result in contour deviations at corners or curvatures in a programmed contour.
A tolerance monitoring function is provided to limit axis errors and is described in the subsection Tolerance monitoring.

The use of Vibration Guard causes axis errors compared to the setpoint signal if Vibration Guard is not activated.
This results in a contour deviation which can be limited by tolerance monitoring.