Output of user-defined error messages to HMI
The output of user-defined error messages via the #ERROR command can be displaced on the GUI of the TwinCAT3 system. The range for possible error IDs is 1 – 1000.
Error texts can be saved in multiple languages.

The the errors texts specified in the P-STUP-00169 file are not linked to the output to the HMI.
The required error texts must be integrated in both files.
Error texts for output to HMI must be integrated in the

Integrating a message in TcCncUserEvents.xml

As an example, the error with ID 455 is integrated in the file:

Release Note

With TwinCAT Build 4022.23 and higher, the configuration must be re-activated after integrating a user-defined error text.
With TwinCAT versions < 4022.23, a computer reboot is required.