Retention of the last axis configuration (P-CHAN-00460)


Retention of the last axis configuration in the channel


When this parameter is set, the default axis configuration is only activated at initial program start according to the channel parameter list and after controller start-up. At every subsequent main program start, the last active configuration of the previous NC program is retained.

Actions such as a change in operation mode, RESET or program end (M30) have no further implicit influence on the current axis configuration. SAI axes and spindle axes exchanged in the axis group also remain in the channel (P-CHAN-00251). After an initial program start, the user must ensure that a consistent axis configuration exists by programming accordingly.

When P-CHAN-00460 is set, the parameters P-CHAN-00075, P-CHAN-00115 and P-CHAN-00179 have no effect in conjunction with RESET or program end.



Data type


Data range

0: Restore the default axis configuration according to the channel parameter list after program start taking into account P-CHAN-00075 , P-CHAN-00115 and P-CHAN-00179 (default).

1: Cross-program retention of the last axis configuration in the channel. Not influenced by program start, M30 or RESET.



Default value



An attempt to restore the default axis configuration according to the channel parameter list after a program error should only be made by the explicit programming of #AX DEF DEFAULT. If this is not successful, the controller can only be returned to its initial state by a repeated start-up (cold start).