Channel parameters


Define file extensions to encrypt NC programs


The NC channel can process encrypted NC programs. Encryption is recognised by the file extension. A maximum of 3 self-defined file extensions are available in the channel parameter 'encryption_extension[...]’ to configure file extensions.

A file extension can consist of one to maximum 3 characters. No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase letters in the file extension. A check is made whether the extension is entered in one of the 3 groups before opening an NC program. If the check is positive, the NC kernel decrypts the NC program with the key belonging to the related group. Both main programs and global subroutines can be encrypted.

For more information about encryption see [FCT-C12].


encryption_extension[i] where i = 0 2

Data type


Data range

Maximum of 3 characters



Default value

encryption_extension[0] ----

encryption_extension[1] ----

encryption_extension[2] ----

encryption_extension[3] ecy *


* File extensions can be set for the groups 1 to 3 (Index 0, 1, 2). A further group also exists. This group especially is pre-defined by the controller or machine manufacturer and is used for the encryption of self-created NC programs (e.g. cycles). The extension is 'ecy'. It is recommended not to re-use this extension for new user-defined definitions

Parameterisation example:

encryption_extension[0] enc (1st group)

encryption_extension[1] od (2nd group)

encryption_extension[2] d (3rd group)