Please observe the following when using "Improved Position Control":
- The axis must be in the position control (CNC or drive).
- For drives with internal position control, the "Improved Position Control" function is output by an additive speed. You must therefore configure this in the process data.
The section below deals with the configuration for CANopen. For SERCOS, you must also configure the S-0-0037 parameter.
Carry out scaling for the speed interface correctly by using the parameters P-AXIS-00205, P-AXIS-00206 and P-AXIS-00207. - If the axis exists in the CNC position control, the additive speed is directly included in the manipulated variable. Scaling takes place using the scaling factor of the drive manipulated variable P-AXIS-00128 and P-AXIS-00129.
- When you carry out an update of changed axis parameters for the “Improved Position Control” function, the axis must be at standstill.