Channel parameters
P-CHAN-00446 | Definition of the Cartesian basic offsets for stacked kinematics. |
Description | The basic offsets are active for stacked kinematics and they describe the Cartesian offsets between the MCS of a kinematic and the TCP of the kinematic stacked below it. A robot is situated on a slide on a linear axis. Due to the presence of the slide there is a 10 cm offset in z direction between the linear axis and the base of the robot. Enter this offset for the robot here: trafo[0].id 45 |
Parameter | trafo[j].base[k] where k=0 … 5 kin_step[i].trafo[j].base[k] (multistep transformations) |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | MIN(REAL64) … MAX(REAL64) |
Dimension | 0.1µm for linear offsets, 0.0001° for angles |
Default value | 0.0 |
Remarks | The basic offsets are only considered when the coupling kinematic is active. |
P-CHAN-00447 | Definition of a group ID of a coupling kinematic |
Description | A coupling kinematic group includes a number of stacked partial kinematics and is uniquely identifiable by its ID. |
Parameter | trafo[j].group[k].id kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k].id (multi-step transformations) |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 … MAX(UNS16) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | As of Build V3.1.3080.09 A group ID may not be assigned more than once within a coupling kinematic. |
P-CHAN-00448 | Definition of a workpiece CS for a group of a couple kinematic. |
Description | If a tool CS is specified (group ID of another group of the coupling kinematic), all TCP coordinates of this group are interpreted in the TCP system of the group specified as the workpiece CS. This group therefore follows the movements of the workpiece CS group. |
Parameter | trafo[j].group[k].workpiece_cs kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k].workpiece_cs (multi-step transformations) |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 … MAX(UNS16) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Configuration example: trafo[0].id 210 After the kinematic (ID 210) is selected, group 200 follows the movements of group 100 since it is configured as the tool coordinate system of 200. As of Build V3.1.3080.09 |
P-CHAN-00449 | Definition of a kinematic chain for a group of a coupling kinematic |
Description | Description of the sequence in which the partial kinematics within a coupling kinematic are stacked on top of each other.. Index m = 0 points to the lowest kinematic. |
Parameter | trafo[j].group[k].chain[m] kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k].chain[l] (multi-step transformations) |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 … MAX(UNS16) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Each kinematic used here must be configured as an autonomous kinematic with a corresponding ID. Configuration example: Robot on a linear axis trafo[0].id 1 trafo[0].type 210 trafo[0].group[0].id 100 trafo[0].group[0].chain[0] 3 trafo[0].group[0].chain[1] 2 trafo[1].id 2 trafo[1].type 45 trafo[2].id 3 trafo[2].type 91
As of Build V3.1.3080.09 |
P-CHAN-00450 | Priority which the couple kinematic uses to split the TCP movement among the partial kinematics. |
Description | The algorithm which distributes the programmed TCP coordinates among the partial kinematics precedes the priority defined here: Beginning with the index m = 0 the largest possible part of the movement is to be traversed by this kinematic. The resulting difference to the programmed TCP is handed over to the next kinematic in the list. This step is repeated until the TCP coordinates are reached, or until the last entry within the sequence defined here is reached. |
Parameter | trafo[j].group[k].move_prio[m] where m = 0 … Length of the kinematic chain kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k].move_prio[m] (multi-step transformations) |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 ... MAX(UNS16) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Each of the names used here must be present within the kinematic chain. Configuration example: Robot on a linear axis trafo[0].id 1 trafo[0].type 210 trafo[0].group[0].id 100 trafo[0].group[0].chain[0] 3 trafo[0].group[0].chain[1] 2 trafo[0].group[0].move_prio[0] 2 trafo[0].group[0].move_prio[1] 3 trafo[1].id 2 trafo[1].type 45 trafo[2].id 3 trafo[2].type 91 In this example, the entire TCP movement is first handed over to the robot. What the robot cannot clear is then adopted by the linear axis.
As of Build V3.1.3080.09 |
P-CHAN-00452 | Select default kinematic names for multi-step transformations |
Description | The name serves as a unique identifier of the kinematic in case a kinematic ID is configured multiple times. A default kinematic name can be defined for each transformation step. This is valid after the controller is started. The default kinematics must be configured in each of the transformation steps; otherwise an error message is output when the transformations (#TRAFO...) are selected. |
Parameter | default_name_of_kin_step[i] where i = 0, 1 |
Data type | STRING |
Data range | Maximum of 16 characters |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | - |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: After controller start-up, the transformation with ID2 and the name"test’ is valid for the first transformation step (.step[0]). default_id_of_kin_step[0] 2 |
P-CHAN-00454 | Name of the default kinematic after start-up |
Description | If the kinematic ID is configured multiple times, this parameter defines the unique name of the default kinematic after start-up. |
Parameter | kinematik_name |
Data type | STRING |
Data range | Maximum of 16 characters |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | - |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: The valid default kinematic after start-up has the ID 2 with the name “test”. kinematik_id 2 kinematik_name test |
P-CHAN-00458 | Lock the Cartesian degrees of freedom of the couple kinematic |
Description | This parameter influences the behaviour of the coupling kinematic with a programmed TCP. While the TCP movement is distributed among the individual partial kinematics, the locked axes are not moved. Index k describes the axis index to be locked. A parameter value > 0 marks the axis with axis index k as locked. |
Parameter | trafo[i].lock_dof[k] kin_step[i].trafo[j].lock_dof[k] (multistep transformations) |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0 / 1 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | A locked axis may continue to be programmed directly by its axis identifier. Configuration example: trafo[0].id 210 |