Context information of a thread (P-RTCF-00017)
P-RTCF-00017 | Context information of a thread |
Description | When this parameter is specified, the channel can be assigned to a thread (CPU). In order to assign the GEO, SDA or COM task of a channel to the same context, the values of the channel parameter entered in P-CHAN-00410, P-CHAN-00411 and P-CHAN-00409 must be set accordingly. |
Parameter | thread[i].context_info |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 <= thread[i].context_info |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example thread[0].name GEO1 thread[0].context_info 1 thread[0].cycle 2000 thread[0].priority 31 # HIGHEST thread[0].error_on_overflow 1 thread[0].function[0].name task_int thread[0].function[0].calls_per_cycle 1
To assign the GEO TASK (P-CHAN-00410) based on the above parameters: schedule.context.geo 1 |