Real-time Linux / Windows Simulator
The threads are assigned to the CPU cores in the realtime configuration of the CNC. Parameterisation takes place in rt_conf.lis.
A CPU core can be assigned to the thread by P-RTCF-00015. If this value is invalid, the warning ID 1000181 is output and the operating system assumes the assignment.
The individual threads are assigned to CNC tasks by means of context entries. The value of the context entry (P-RTCF-00017) of the thread and the value of the context entry in the channel list must match the particular task.

Parameterisation example: rt_conf.lis
# ****************************************
# RT configuration
# ****************************************
# LINUX [1; 99] 1 highest
# RTX [0; 127] 127 highest
# VXWORKS [0; 255] 0 highest
# WindowsCE [0; 255] 0 highest, 9 CANopen, 10-15 CNC, 16-64 PLC
# trace bit : 0 - off, 1 - DTR on COM1, 2 - RTS on COM1, 3 - DTR on COM2, 4 - RTS on COM2
interrupt_source 1 # 1 == internal timer, 2 == external IRQ, 3 == external semaphore
cycle_time 2000 # cycle time in micro s
time_slice 1000
windows_time 0 # 0 turned off
schedule 1 # Standard
thread[0].name GEO1
thread[0].cpu 1 # CPU core 1
thread[0].context_info 0
thread[0].cycle 2000
thread[0].priority 31 # HIGHEST
thread[0].error_on_overflow 1
thread[0].function[0].name task_int
thread[0].function[0].calls_per_cycle 1
thread[0].function[0].trace_bit 1
thread[1].name BACKGROUND
thread[1].cpu 2 # CPU core 2
thread[1].context_info 4
thread[1].cycle 1000
thread[1].priority 34 # NORMAL
thread[1].error_on_overflow 0
thread[1].function[0].name task_rnd
thread[1].function[0].calls_per_cycle 1
thread[1].function[0].trace_bit 3
thread[2].name MMI_DRIVER
thread[2].cpu 2 # CPU core 2
thread[2].context_info 6
thread[2].cycle 12000
thread[2].priority 35
thread[2].error_on_overflow 0
thread[2].function[0].name task_mmi_driver
thread[2].function[0].calls_per_cycle 1
thread[2].function[0].trace_bit 0
thread[3].name COM
thread[3].cpu 2 # CPU core 2
thread[3].context_info 5
thread[3].cycle 4000
thread[3].priority 35
thread[3].error_on_overflow 0
thread[3].function[0].name task_com
thread[3].function[0].calls_per_cycle 1
thread[3].function[0].trace_bit 4
thread[4].name GEO2
thread[4].cpu 3 # CPU core 3
thread[4].context_info 1
thread[4].cycle 2000
thread[4].priority 31 # HIGHEST
thread[4].error_on_overflow 1
thread[4].function[0].name task_int
thread[4].function[0].calls_per_cycle 1
thread[4].function[0].trace_bit 1
# external_thread[0].semaphore_name external_sps
# external_thread[0].cycle 10000
The related parameters for the particular assignments in the channels are as follows:
Channel parameter list 1 - GEO1, SDA and the COM
schedulde.context.geo 0 5
schedulde.context.sda 4
Channel parameter list 2 – GEO2
schedulde.context.geo 1