ID 70615

Actual axis position is in the invalid SWE interval with negative axis velocity.


The current position of the modulo axis with a negative velocity has reached an invalid range defined by the software limit switches.

This error only occurs if a software limit switch is shifted to a value outside the modulo range by the specified tolerance. See figure:

Possible causes:

  • Incorrect NC program
  • Overshoots of axis are too wide.


For further information see [FCT-A2// Description]




Controlled halt of the axis, the control loop is closed.




Possible solutions:

  • Check and correct the NC program
  • Check the gain factor (P-AXIS-00099) to reduce axis overshoots
  • Check and increase the tolerance P-AXIS-00179



Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number P-AXIS-00016 of concerned axis


Current value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Current position of the axis


Lower limit value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Lower limit of the invalid modulo range defined by the software limit switches


Current value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Configured tolerance P-AXIS-00179 of the software limit switch


Block number [-]

Block number of the NC program in which the error occurred.

Error type
