Settings for turning functions (# TURN)

Release Note


This function is available as of CNC Build V3.1.3079.03.

The #TURN command can influence rotary functions.


                 [THREAD_CUT_ACT_SPEED =..] [THREAD_CUT_N_CYCLES =..]]


Influence of axis couplings on the revolution feed rate with G95

0 : Axis couplings are not considered (default)

1 : Axis couplings are considered


Enable tapping at actual spindle positions.
(analogous to Tapping with actual positions of the spindle (P-CHAN-00761))

0: The spindle is coupled to the command positions of the linear axis.

1: The linear axes are coupled to the actual spindle positions.

Available as of V3.1.3080.04


Number of filter cycles to filter actual spindle positions. (Analogous to Number of filter cycles to filter actual spindle positions (P-CHAN-00762))

Value range: 0 … 20

0: Filter is deactivated.

Available as of V3.1.3080.04


Enable thread cutting at actual spindle speed. (Analogous to Thread cutting with actual spindle speed (P-CHAN-00834))

0: The linear axes are coupled to the command spindle speed.

1: The linear axes are coupled to the actual spindle speed.

Available as of V3.1.3080.16


Number of filter cycles to filter actual spindle speed. (Analogous to Number of filter cycles to filter actual spindle speed (P-CHAN-00835))

Value range: 0 … 20

0: Filter is deactivated.

Available as of V3.1.3080.16