Additional information
- Define the decoder functionalities (P-CHAN-00500)
- Maximum number of logged events (P-CHAN-00501)
- Defining the type of logged events (P-CHAN-00502)
- Conditional activation of the functionalities (P-CHAN-00507)
- Condition for activating the functionalities (P-CHAN-00508)
- Maximum number of possible cache files (P-CHAN-00503)
- Maximum size of a cache file (P-CHAN-00504)
- Maximum number of local subroutine definitions (P-CHAN-00505)
- Maximum number of measurement records for machine calibration (P-CHAN-00506)
- Total number of NC macros (P-CHAN-00509)
- Maximum number of predefined NC macros (P-CHAN-00510)
- Maximum number of characters in macro name (P-CHAN-00511)
- Maximum number of characters in macro content (P-CHAN-00512)
- Activating real-time cycles (P-CHAN-00406)
- Memory for real-time cycles (P-CHAN-00407)
- Max. number of actions in a real-time cycle (P-CHAN-00480)
- Size of additional memory for V.CYC variables (P-CHAN-00418)
- Memory size for V.CH. variables (P-CHAN-00424)
- Number of variables for P@ parameters (P-CHAN-00488)
- Memory size for pattern definition (P-CHAN-00479)
- Size of message memory for diagnosis data (P-CHAN-00514)
- Maximum number of tools from lists (P-CHAN-00419)
- Maximum number of string labels (P-CHAN-00515)
- Maximum number of expression labels (P-CHAN-00516)
- Maximum number of P parameters (P-CHAN-00517)
- Behaviour with messages to ISG_DIAG_BED (P-CHAN-00518)
- Behaviour with messages to HMI (P-CHAN-00519)
- Behaviour with messages to PLC (P-CHAN-00520)
- Maximum V.I. user memory in bytes (P-CHAN-00522)
- Maximum number of creatable V.I. variables (P-CHAN-00523)
- Length of program trace in diagnosis (P-CHAN-00524)