Maximum size of a cache file (P-CHAN-00504)
P-CHAN-00504 | Maximum size of a cache file |
Description | This parameter permits the user- specific definition of the maximum file size of an NC program in the cache. |
Parameter | configuration.decoder.max_cache_size |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 <= P-CHAN-00504 <= MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | If the File Caching function is active with FCT_USE_CACHED_FILES, the default value is 4096.
Parameter is available as of the following Builds: V2.11.2040.04 ; V2.11.2810.02 ; V3.1.3079.17 ; V3.1.3107.10 Parameterisation example: configuration.decoder.function FCT_USE_CACHED_FILES configuration.decoder.max_cache_number 6 configuration.decoder.max_cache_size 6000 |