ID 110659

Axes with position restoration may not use identifier for absolute measurement system.


The parameter P-AXIS-00761 activates the restore function for the last position controller position at controller start-up. This function is used for axes whose measurement system only provides an absolute position within a limited range (e.g. within one motor revolution) or whose absolute encoder overflows in the motion range.
For these axes, the identification code "absolute measurement system” P-AXIS-00014 must therefore not be set, otherwise an incorrect reference position is used under certain circumstances, e.g. if remanent data is lost.

If the axis measurement system actually supplies an absolute position within the entire motion range, it can be used directly. An automatic position restoration is not necessary.




The function to restore the last position controller position is disabled




Check and modify the parameters P-AXIS-00014 and P-AXIS-00761



Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number (P-AXIS-00016) of affected axis


Current value [-]

Value for P-AXIS-00761 to restore the last position controller position


Error value [-]

Incorrect identifier P-AXIS-00014 for absolute measurement system


Corrected value [-]

Corrected identifier P-AXIS-00014 for absolute measurement system

Error type

2, Error message by data transfer from parameter list into control device.