Programming example
Programing Example

Thread milling
; Thread milling
T4 D4 (Tool data)
M6 (Tool change)
G17 G90 G54 F500 M03 S1200 (Technology data)
G00 Z50 (Go to z start position)
G00 X50 Y50 (position near workpiece mill tool is outside the part)
; input parameters:
V.L.SurfacePosition = 0 (Z position of workpiece surface)
V.L.RetractionPlane = 20 (Z position of retraction plane)
V.L.SafetyClearance = 4 (rel. value of safety clearance in Z)
V.L.DepthOfThread = -15 (depth of thread)
V.L.MaxIncrementXY = 0.5 (maximal increment in XY)
V.L.ThreadPitch = 1 (pitch of the thread)
V.L.FinishingOffsetXY = 0.2 (finishing offset in XY)
V.L.MachiningMode = 3 (machining mode)
V.L.ToolTyp = 3 (tool type)
V.L.ThreadDiameter = 20 (diameter of the thread)
L CYCLE [NAME=SysMillThread.ecy \
@P1 = V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P2 = V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P3 = V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P4 = V.L.DepthOfThread \
@P6 = V.L.MaxIncrementXY \
@P7 = V.L.ThreadPitch \
@P16 = V.L.FinishingOffsetXY \
@P31 = V.L.MachiningMode \
@P63 = V.L.ToolTyp \
@P68 = V.L.ThreadDiameter \
G00 Z100