Distance to go display in a program section (#DIST TO GO)
Release Note

This function is available as of CNC Build V3.1.3079.27.
A geometry sequence can be flagged in the NC program with the NC commands #DIST TO GO BEGIN/END . Within a sequence, the distance to go of each axis is displayed on the HLI up to the end of the geometry sequence by dist_to_geom_end.
Requirement: The parameter P-STUP-00033 must be parameterised in order to use the display function.
Syntax: |
- The distance to go of the axis is always displayed in forward direction. Backward motion on the path makes the distance displayed greater.
- The displayed values are no longer correct if a geometry changes takes place with the “Delete distance to go” function. This error is signalled by the warning ID 51047.
- The entire geometry sequence is required to obtain a valid display of the axis distances to go up to #DIST TO GO END.
Especially with large program sequences and small values defined in P-STUP-00033, this may result in a delay of the display datum dist_to_geom_end and the warning ID 51048.
If the values in P-STUP-00033 are too small, the sequence is output without stopping and the display datum dist_to_geom_end remains at 0 until a valid value can be determined for the display. - If NC commands that result in a channel synchronisation are programmed within the flagged geometry sequence. The commands prevent the look-ahead distance to go calculation up to #DIST TO GO END. The distance to go display is then only displayed correctly after this NC command.
Example of these NC commands: - #CHANNEL INIT
- or reading a synchronous V.E. variable
Programing Example

Distance to go display in a program section
N010 G01 X0 Y0 F5000
N030 G01 X10
N040 G01 Y10
N050 G01 X5
In the example, the display would show at the start of the sequence for X 15 and Y 10 and 0 in each case at the end.
The display values is presented in the figure below: