Programming example
This example describes a drilling operation along a grid pattern using the example of the "SysDrillDeepHole” cycle
; input parameters for pattern
; RefCycle = "SysDrillDeepHole"
V.L.DiffX = 5 ; distance of the positions in X
V.L.DiffY = 5 ; distance of the positions in Y
V.L.NumPointsX = 4 ; number of positions in X
V.L.NumPointsY = 4 ; number of positions in Y
; input parameters for drilling cycle:
V.L.RetractionPlane = 20 ; Z position of retraction plane
V.L.SurfacePosition = 0 ; Z position of workpiece surface
V.L.SafetyClearance = 2 ; relative value of safety clearance in Z
V.L.DrillingDepth = 30 ; depth
V.L.NumberOfFeeds = 3 ; number of feeds
V.L.MachiningMode = 2 ; machining mode
V.L.ReturnClearance = 0.5 ; return clearance for chip breaking/evacuation
; tool change
T2 D2
; technology data
G00 G17 G90 G54 F800 M03 S1000
; positioning to the centre point of the grid
G00 Z100
G00 X0 Y0
; cycle call
L CYCLE [NAME=SysDrillPatterngrid.ecy \
; drill parameter of SysDrillDeepHole.ecy:
@P49=V.L.RetractionPlane \
@P1=V.L.SurfacePosition \
@P13=V.L.SafetyClearance \
@P45=V.L.DrillingDepth \
@P30=V.L.NumberOfFeeds \
@P52=V.L.MachiningMode \
@P79=V.L.ReturnClearance \
; pattern parameter and ref cycle:
@P100 = "SysDrillDeepHole" \
@P104 = V.L.DiffX \
@P105 = V.L.DiffY \
@P107 = V.L.NumPointsX \
@P108 = V.L.NumPointsY ]
; final position, stop of spindle
G00 Z200 M5