Position monitoring consists of the following steps:
- When the axis command position reaches the programmed target position, the timeout is started (time t1).
- Timeout is deactivated when the actual position of the axis is located within the exact stop window (time t2). The exact stop window is configured by P-AXIS-00236.
- The actual position must be located within the time t configured in P-AXIS-00532 in t3 the exact stop window.

Warnings, errors and reactions
Error message P-ERR-70082. The axis failed within the set time P-AXIS-00532 to reach the exact stop window P-AXIS-00236.
- Immediately stop the affected axis.
- Stop all axes that are interpolated with the affected axis in the path compound.
- Check the cause of the error message and rectify
- Resetting the controller

Recommended parameterisation
Position settling time: P-AXIS-00532 = 10000 to 200000µs
Exact stop window: P-AXIS-00236 ≥ 3 · ∆sStandstill;
∆SStandstill: real position lag at standstill

When exact stop (G60) is programmed, an axis reaches the target position when the actual position is located within the same exact stop window.