Display motion path limiting
The parameter P-CHAN-00489 activates the display of motion path limiting. This transforms the active software limit switches of the axis coordinate system (ACS) into the programming coordinate system (PCS) in order to display them.
All offsets are considered (e.g. zero point or tool offsets) and Cartesian transformations (#CS). The parameter P-CHAN-00434 must also be activated to include mirroring.
A display of PCS limits is not possible for axes that are a component of an active kinematic transformation.

The software limit switches continue to be monitoring at ACS level.
The PCS data displayed provides information about the axis location relative to the software limit switch and the distance to go without reaching the software limit switch. This also applies to manual mode.
When the parameter P-CHAN-00489 is set, the CNC objects
display the motion path limit in the PCS and the CNC objects
display the distance to go to each path limit.