Measuring with Distributed Clocks Timestamp
The function Measuring with Distributed Clocks Timestamp is available as of Build V3.01.3079.28.
For example, the function can be used if a drive itself does not have a fast measuring input.
The function uses the technology of distributed clocks to calculate back the exact position of the drive when a measurement event occurs via the timestamp of a digital input terminal. The measuring signal is evaluated in the digital input terminal. The state and timestamp of the terminal are transferred to the CNC via the PLC interface.
The following steps must be carried out besides the basic settings to use the function:
Set the probing signal source:
Use the parameter P-AXIS-00516
kenngr.measure.signal PLC_TIMESTAMP
Or the NC command
Linking the digital input terminal to the PLC:
The state and the latched timestamp must be transferred via the PLC interface to the CNC using appropriate control units.
The state of the digital input terminal is transferred via the measuring signal control unit to the CNC.
Transfers the latched timestamp to the CNC is transferred via the timestamp time stamp.
The parameters of the digital input terminal must be linked to the control units accordingly.

Example using an EL1252 terminal
The probe is connected to Channel 2 of the EL1252 terminal. Axis 2 performs the measurements. When the measuring signal is received, a rising edge is registered in the "Input" parameter of the EL1252. This must be forwarded to the CNC via the measuring signal control unit. The latched timestamp is stored in “LatchPos2” and must be notified to the CNC by the timestamp control unit.