Thread tapping with spindle actual positions
When tapping a thread, the spindle speed may tend to deviate under load. In order to execute thread tapping in such cases, the movement of the linear axes can be directly coupled to the spindle's actual positions.
Release Note

This function is available as of Build V3.01.3080.04.
The function is activated either with P-CHAN-00761 or with the NC command #TURN[TAPPING_ACT_POS=1 …]

Thread tapping with spindle actual positions
Set the following parameters:
tapping.use_actual_position 1 ( P-CHAN-00761 )
tapping.n_cycles 5 ( P-CHAN-00762 )
NC program
; tapping command speed S=200rpm,
; right-hand thread with 1.5mm pitch
N05 G0 Z10 X0
; thread tapping with unfiltered actual positions
N10 M19 S.POS=0 M3 S1000
N30 G63 Z-150 F300 S200
N40 G63 Z10 S-200
N50 G0 X20
; tapping with filtered actual positions
N60 M19 S.POS=0 M3 S1000
N80 G331 Z-150 K1.5 S200
N90 G332 Z10 K1.5 S200
N100 G0 X40
; tapping with command positions
N110 M19 S.POS=0 M3 S1000
N130 G63 Z-150 F300 S200
N140 G63 Z10 S-200
N160 M30