Kinematic type (P-CHAN-00829)
P-CHAN-00829 | Kinematic type for transformations |
Description | This parameter defines the kinematic type. The definition can be made for single-step, multi-step and PCS transformations. |
Parameter | trafo[j].type kin_step[i].trafo[j].type (multi-step transformations) trafo_pcs[i].type (PCS transformation *) |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 ... MAX(UNS16) |
Dimension | --- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | When a kinematic ID (P-CHAN-00262) is configured unequal to 0 and the kinematic type is 0, the value of the kinematic ID is assigned to the kinematic type. Available as of V3.1.3080.09 * The PCS transformation function is available as of V3.1.3110. |