Kinematic ID and offset data - CNC Build <V300

Kinematic ID

The ID required to use a specific kinematic feature results from the specified kinematic type as follows:

KIN_TYP_1      1

KIN_TYP_2      2




Specifying the kinematic ID and offset parameters

The kinematic ID and the offset parameters (HD offsets) of a kinematic are specified as follows:

kinematik[9].param[0]          500000

kinematik[9].param[1]          0

kinematik[9].param[2]          0

kinematik[9].param[3]          0

with an additional transformation, e.g. kinematic ID 60

kinematik[60].param[0]          200000

kinematik[60].param[1]          0



The HDi offsets of a kinematic correspond to the kinematic offsets in the channel parameters for kinematik[ID].param[i-1].

Alternatively, these offsets can be entered in the corresponding value of the tool parameters (P-TOOL-00009).

The offset parameter units are 1.0 E-4 mm for translatory offsets and 1.0 E-4° for rotary offsets.