ID 310017

Tactile deviation too big.


The compensation value offset calculated by distance control exceeds the permissible limit. Due to safety reasons, the maximum deviation caused by distance control between the programmed position in the NC program and the real actual position of the axis can be limited.

With axis-specific distance control, this is achieved using Description (kenngr.distc.max_deviation) and for 3D distance control using Description (dist_ctrl[i].max_deviation).




Controlled halt of the axis, the control loop is closed.




Check workpiece, set position SET_POS of the workpiece surface or set distance SET_DIST to the workpiece surface.
Check permissible compensation value Description or Description.



Logical axis number [-] or Logical channel number [-]

Logical axis number Axis parameters of the axis affected for axis-specific distance control,
logical channel number Logical number of a NC channel (P-CHAN-00400) for 3D distance control.


Current value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Current sensing deviation


Upper limit value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Parameterised maximum deviation Description or Description


Current value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Current offset due to distance control


Block number [-]

Block number in the NC program

Error type
