P-AXIS-00328 | Enabling of distance control (spindle with touch probe) | ||
Description | The distance control for a spindle with touch probe is enabled with this parameter. The activation is done by a special command in the NC program [PROG//section 'Distance controlled spindles']. | ||
Parameter | lr_param.distance_control_on | ||
Data type | BOOLEAN | ||
Data range | 0/1 | ||
Axis types | T, R | ||
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- | |
Default value | 0 | ||
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | ||
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00413 | Filtering of sensor values | |
Description | Sensor values may be noisy. To keep excitation of the machine low, the setpoints for distance control can be smoothed by a filter. The parameter specified the number of values that are used for filtering. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.n_cycles | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ n_cycles < 100 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 4 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00414 | Maximum position offset | |
Description | The correction value of the axis that was calculated via distance control may not exceed this machine data item. An error message is issued if this value is exceeded. The correction value is limited. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.max_deviation | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ max_deviation < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1µm | R: 0.0001 ° |
Default value | 50000 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00415 | Maximum velocity | |
Description | The parameter defines the maximum speed at which a position offset is cleared. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.v_max | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ v_max < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.001 mm/s | R: 0,001°/s |
Default value | 5000 | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00416 | Maximum acceleration | |
Description | The parameter defines the maximum acceleration with which a position offset is extended. Correction of the distance is limited dynamically with respect to the maximum acceleration to limit the resulting excitation. If no acceleration is specified, the maximum axis acceleration is used automatically (see P-AXIS-00008). | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.a_max | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ a_max < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 1 mm/s² | R: 1°/s² |
Default value | 0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | Then this parameter is 0, the maximum axis acceleration P-AXIS-00008 is used. |
P-AXIS-00417 | Maximum permissible change speed of measured distance | |
Description | The parameter defines the maximum permissible change in speed of the measured distance within one cycle. After activation of distance control, the sensor’s actual values are monitored for change. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.max_act_value_change | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ max_act_value_change < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: µm/s | R: 0.0001°/s |
Default value | 5000 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00418 | Reference point offset for measuring system | |
Description | The value range of the sensor measuring system can be moved by an offset via this machine data item. This is necessary in the case of absolute position sensors, for example, to define the reference point, i.e. the sensor position that is adjusted if the spindle touches the ideal workpiece surface. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.ref_offset | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | MIN(SGN32) ≤ ref_offset < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1µm | R: 0.0001 ° |
Default value | 0 (No offset) | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00419 | Upper limit for measuring system | |
Description | The following parameter defines the upper limit of the sensor. An error message is generated if it is exceeded while distance control is active. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.max_pos | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ max_pos < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1µm | R: 0.0001 ° |
Default value | 50000 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00420 | Lower limit for measuring system | |
Description | The following value defines the lower limit of the sensor. An error message is generated if it is exceeded while distance control is active. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.min_pos | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ min_pos < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1µm | R: 0.0001 ° |
Default value | -50000 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00421 | Tolerance band for limits | |
Description | This parameter defines a minimum distance from the minimum and maximum sensor positions. If this distance is undershot, the CNC generates the error messages ID 70330 or ID 70576. If the tolerance band is specified by zero, the limits of the minimum and maximum sensor positions from the axis parameters P-AXIS-00419 and P-AXIS-00420 have a direct effect. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.tolerance | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ tolerance < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1µm | R: 0.0001 ° |
Default value | 0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00428 | Consideration of distance control in software limit switch monitoring | |
Description | This parameter defines whether the calculated distance control offset is included in the software limit switch monitor (see [FCT-A2]). | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.check_sw_limit_switch | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0: Offset of distance control is not considered in software limit switch monitoring (Standard). 1: Offset of distance control is considered in software limit switch monitoring. | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00500 | Option: Coupling of distance sensor and motor encoder | |
Description | As an extension, both the distance sensor and the Z actual value sensor can be used. The inverse coupling of the two sensors can reduce an oscillation tendency. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.mode_dist_use_both_encoder | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0: No coupling 1: Coupling of motor encoder and distance sensor active | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00501 | Option: Adaptive weighting of acceleration | |
Description | To reduce a possible oscillation the acceleration can be reduced for small deviations. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.use_adaptive_acceleration | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0: No adaptive weighting of acceleration 1: Adaptive weighting of acceleration active | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | In addition the following limits for acceleration and distance error must be configured: P-AXIS-00502 or P-AXIS-00416 and P-AXIS-00504 or P-AXIS-00505 |

P-AXIS-00502 | Minimum acceleration | |
Description | The parameter defines the minimal acceleration of distance control. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.a_min | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 1 ... MAX (UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: mm/s² | R: mm/s² |
Default value | 500 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | . |
P-AXIS-00504 | Minimum distance error | |
Description | The parameter defines the minimum distance error for distance control up to which minimum acceleration (P-AXIS-00502) is used. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.dist_error_a_min | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ P-AXIS-00504 < MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1µm | R: 0.0001 ° |
Default value | 1000 | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00505 | Maximum distance error | |
Description | The parameter defines the maximum distance error for distance control up to which maximum acceleration (P-AXIS-00416) is used. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.dist_error_a_max | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ P-AXIS-00505 < MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1µm | R: 0.0001 ° |
Default value | 5000 | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00507 | Order of the filter | |
Description | The filter's order describes its behaviour with regard to the drop in the frequency response. The following applies: Frequency drop = - P-AXIS-00507 * 20 dB/decade | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.low_pass_filter_order | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 … 6 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 4 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00508 | Characteristic frequency of a filter | |
Description | The parameter defines the value of a filter's characteristic frequency. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.low_pass_filter_fg_f0 | |
Data type | REAL64 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ low_pass_filter_fg_f0 < MAX(REAL64) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: Hz | R: Hz |
Default value | 25 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00509 | Option: Dead time reduction | |
Description | The dead time of distance control can be reduced by an optimized schedule of the CNC. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.optimized_scheduling | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0: Without optimized scheduling 1: Optimized scheduling active | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00533 | Weighting factor for velocity of lowering movement | |
Description | This parameter weights the velocity (see P-AXIS-00415) of the lowering movement (towards the workpiece). This can be useful since the lifting movement is normally highly dynamic in order to avoid an obstacle or elevation quickly. With the weighting factor it is possible to use a reduced velocity for the lowering movement towards the workpiece. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.v_weight_down | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ v_weight_down < 2000 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1% | R: 0.1% |
Default value | 0 * | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | * The weighting is deactivated, lifting and lowering movement use the identical velocity P-AXIS-00415. This parameter is available from CNC version V2.11.2807.13 onwards. |
P-AXIS-00534 | Weighting factor for acceleration of lowering movement | |
Description | This parameter weights the velocity (see P-AXIS-00416) of the lowering movement (towards the workpiece). This can be useful since the lifting movement is normally highly dynamic in order to avoid an obstacle or elevation quickly. With the weighting factor it is possible to use a reduced acceleration for the lowering movement towards the workpiece. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.a_weight_down | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ a_weight_down < 2000 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: 0.1% | R: 0.1% |
Default value | 0 * | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | * The weighting is deactivated, lifting and lowering movement use the identical acceleration P-AXIS-00416. This parameter is available from CNC version V2.11.2807.13 onwards. |
P-AXIS-00422 | Numerator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system | |
Description | The distance resolution of the sensor measuring system is specified as the quotient P-AXIS-00423 in the dimension [increments/0.1 µm] for translatory axes or [increments/10^-4°] for rotary axes. The number of sensor increments must be specified in P-AXIS-00422. | |
Parameter | lr_hw[i].encoder_resolution_num | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 < encoder_resolution_num < MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: increments | R,S: increments |
Default value | 1 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks | This entry is valid for 'lr_hw[i].*' with i ≥ 1! The resolution of the motor sensor 'lr_hw[0].*' is defined by P-AXIS-00233 and P-AXIS-00234. |
P-AXIS-00423 | Denominator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system | |
Description | The distance resolution of the sensor measuring system is specified as the quotient P-AXIS-00422 / P-AXIS-00423 in the dimension [increments/0.1 µm] for translatory axes or [increments/10^-4°] for rotary axes. The amount of the travel range must be specified in this parameter. | |
Parameter | lr_hw[i].encoder_resolution_denom | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ encoder_resolution_denom < MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: 0.1 µm | R,S: 0.0001° |
Default value | 1 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks | This entry is valid for 'lr_hw[i].*' with i ≥ 1! The resolution of the motor sensor 'lr_hw[0].*' is defined by P-AXIS-00233 and P-AXIS-00234. |
P-AXIS-00230 | Sign reversal of actual value | |
Description | This parameter defines the sign reversal of the actual value. | |
Parameter | lr_hw[i].vz_istw | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0/1 | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks | These entries are not taken over when the axis parameters list is updated. Updates only become effective when the controller is rebooted. |
P-AXIS-00424 | Handling of the additive sensor values | |
Description | This parameter defines whether the sensor positions are to be considered as linear or modulo values. By default, it can be handled according to the axis type or an individual default can be defined. When sensor values are handled according to the set axis type (see P-AXIS-00018), values are considered linear for the TRANSLATOR axis type, while modulo handling applies to the ROTATOR axis type. | |
Parameter | lr_hw[i].mode_act_pos | |
Data type | UNS16 | |
Data range | 0, 1, 2 where: 0: depending on axis type (default) 1 : linear 2 : modulo | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks | This entry is valid for 'lr_hw[i].*' with i ≥ 1! The setting of the sensor value range for the motor sensor 'lr_hw[0].*' is defined by P-AXIS-00122. |
P-AXIS-00759 | Weighting the distance control output values | |
Description | The parameter weights the cyclic output value of the distance control. This may affect the distance control dynamics. For kp values less than 1.0, the distance control dynamics are reduced; for kp value greater than 1.0, the dynamics are increased. | |
Parameter | | |
Data type | REAL64 | |
Data range | 0.0 < kp <= 2.0 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 1.0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | A kp factor less than 1.0 reduces a possible distance control oscillation and steadies the control in the event of minor distance errors. This parameter is available as of CNC Build V2.11.2809.06 or V3.1.3079.06. |
P-AXIS-00764 | Integral (I) action time of the PID controller | |
Description | This parameter weights the I component of the PID controller. The integral action time defines the time after which the P and I components of the manipulated variable are equal. A large integral action time produces greater control stability. The shorter the integration action time, the greater the I component and the faster the control. Disable the I component by i_tn = 0. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.i_tn | |
Data type | REAL64 | |
Data range | 0.0 <= i_tn <= 50.0 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: s | R: s |
Default value | 0.0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | To begin with, it is advisable to select a high initial value for the integral action time setting (e.g. 5) to avoid instability in the control loop. You can then reduce the integral action time step by step to obtain the effect you require. If there are no permanent control deviations, do not use the I component at first. This parameter is available as from Build 2809.06 or 3079.06. |
P-AXIS-00765 | Derivative (D) action time of the PID controller | |
Description | This parameter weights the D component of the PID controller. The derivative action time defines the time after which the P and D components of the manipulated variable are equal. The derivative action time stabilises controller behaviour and reduces oscillations. The larger the derivative action time, the stronger the D component. Disable the D component by d_tv=0. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.d_tv | |
Data type | REAL64 | |
Data range | 0.0 <= d_tv <= 2.0 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: s | R: s |
Default value | 0.0 | |
drive types. | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | To begin with, it is advisable to select a low initial value for the derivative action time setting to avoid instability in the control loop (e.g.: 0.01). You can then reduce the derivative action time step by step to obtain the effect you require. This parameter is available as from Build 2809.06 or 3079.06. |
P-AXIS-00782 | Filter type for smoothing sensor values | |
Description | In some cases, the sensor values are noisy. The oscillation tendency can be possibly suppressed by using a suitable filter . The following filter types can be selected for distance control:
| |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.filter_type | |
Data type | STRING | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | DEFAULT | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks | The following filter parameters are still required for each of the filter types::
P-AXIS-00783 | Uncertainty of measurement values | |
Description | The parameter indicates the degree of deviation of measurement values from actual values. The higher this value, the better the filter effect. However, any overshoots are amplified. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.kalman_sigma | |
Data type | REAL64 | |
Data range | 1.0 ≤ P-AXIS-00783 ≤ 10000.0 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 4 | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00784 | Smoothing factor | |
Description | The parameter indicates the weighting of the current measurement value. Example: At a smoothing factor of 0.5, 50% of the current value is included in the average value. | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.smoothing_factor | |
Data type | REAL64 | |
Data range | 0 < P-AXIS-00784 ≤ 1.0 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | 0.7 | |
Drive types | SERCOS, Profidrive, CANopen | |
Remarks |