Transformation of PCS positions (#TRAFO PCS ON/OFF)
Function available as of V3.1.3110.

The use of this feature requires a license for the "Transformations” extension package. It is not included in the scope of the standard license.
Syntax: | |
#TRAFO PCS ON | Selection |
#TRAFO PCS OFF | Deselecting |
The #TRAFO PCS ON/OFF command enables and disables a transformation of the programming coordinates. The transformation type is defined by the configured parameter trafo_pcs.type (P-CHAN-00829) and the specified parameters trafo_pcs.param[i] (P-CHAN-00263).
In addition to Cartesian and kinematic transformations, there are also the option of inserting this transformation between the programming coordinate system and Cartesian transformations. These transformations map the programmed coordinates in the NC program based on their transformation type and only then are the mapped positions applied using the Cartesian and/or kinematic transformation.
The only difference to the #TRAFO ON/OFF command is the input and output positions of the transformations. Conventional machine kinematics programmed with #TRAFO ON/OFF are applied after the Cartesian transformations and have a physical relationship. The transformation activated here acts directly on the positions programmed in the NC program and represents more of a mathematical mapping.
The figure below shows the individual levels of the position in the CNC transformation chain.
Programing Example

( Condition
( trafo_pcs.type 212 axis coupling transformation)
( Master axis is Z, slave axis C, coupling factor 0.5)
N10 #CS ON [0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0]
N20 G01 F1000 Z100 C0 (Z-ACS-Pos=120 C-ACS-Pos=0)
N30 #TRAFO PCS ON (Select PCS transformation)
N40 G01 Z200 (Z-ACS-Pos=220 C-ACS-Pos=50)
N50 #TRAFO PCS OFF (Deselect PCS transformation)
N60 G01 Z100 C0 (Z-ACS-Pos=120 C-ACS-Pos=0)
N70 M30