Parameters for position control
This section describes the hardware-independent parameters for the position controller The hardware-dependent parameters are described in the section Parameters for drives (antr.*).

The following parameters are dependent on the set drive type 'kenngr.antr_typ'. The data are independent of the set axis type 'kenngr.achs_typ'. They must be allocated for all axis types.
Additional information
- Proportional factor kv for P-positional control (P-AXIS-00099)
- Position window for exact stop (P-AXIS-00236)
- Position window for rapid movements (P-AXIS-00472)
- Activation of position controller-interfaces
- Settings for backlash compensation
- Settings for temperature compensation
- Activate crosstalk compensation (P-AXIS-00789)
- Monitoring of axis compensations
- Settings for position lag monitoring
- Tendency test (P-AXIS-00189)
- Settings for dynamic monitoring in position controller
- Adaptation of command values
- Measurement value adaptation
- Quantisation of the measuring system increments (P-AXIS-00323)
- Definition of traverse distance between lubrication pulses (P-AXIS-00237)
- Settings for axis compensations
- Settings for the volumetric compensation (lr_param.vol_comp.*)
- Settings for dynamic kv adjustment (getriebe[i].dyn_kv.*)
- Parameters for distance control
- Position controller dead band (P-AXIS-00395)
- Settings for I (Integral) -position control
- Improved Position Control (lr_param.improved_position_control.*)
- Restoring axis position at controller start (P-AXIS-00761)
- Switch over drive type to simulation