Parameters of the axis peripheral interfaces for position control (lr_hw[i].*)
This section describes the parameters for the axis peripheral interfaces in the position controller (lr_hw[i].*).

The hardware-independent parameters for position control are descirbed in the section Parameters for position control.
The following parameters are dependent on the set Drive type 'kenngr.antr_typ' abhängig. The data are dependent on the set axis type 'kenngr.achs_typ'. They must be allocated for all axis types.
Additional information
- Value of drift compensation (P-AXIS-00057)
- Sign reversal of command value (P-AXIS-00231)
- Sign reversal of actual value (P-AXIS-00230)
- Identifier for hardware specific parameter set (P-AXIS-00136)
- Numerator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system (P-AXIS-00422)
- Denominator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system (P-AXIS-00423)
- Handling of the additive sensor values (P-AXIS-00424)
- Parameters for counter interface
- Parameters of D/A interface
- Parameters of digital input interface for homing cams
- Encoder value range for EtherCAT drives(P-AXIS-00296)
- Delay reading of actual position after field bus start (P-AXIS-00567)