Drive type SERCOS (antr.sercos.*)
The data are dependent on the drive. These parameters must only be assigned when this axis is to be carried out as a SERCOS axis (see P-AXIS-00020).

SERCOS telegrams are described in greater detail in [SERC-S2].
Additional information
- Telegram type (P-AXIS-00188)
- Ring number (P-AXIS-00160)
- Drive address (P-AXIS-00019)
- Time slot calculation (P-AXIS-00063)
- Operation mode for velocity control (P-AXIS-00264)
- Drive supported execution of the CNC based homing (P-AXIS-00386)
- Assignment of control and status bits for CNC based homing (P-AXIS-00387)
- Evaluation of SERCOS state bit drive follows command (P-AXIS-00411)
- Master data telegram (antr.sercos.mdt[i].*)
- Drive telegram type 7 ([i].*)
- Index of ID (antr.sercos.ident[i].*)
- Time slot parameters (antr.sercos.times.*)
- Delay of display command values (P-AXIS-00813)