Residual path related to contour (P-CHAN-00258)
P-CHAN-00258 | Switch over to contour-related residual path for edge banding |
Description | By default the defined residual path (P-CHAN-00030) or the programmed residual path (V.G.RW) is interpreted as a value related to the centre point path of the milling tool. After response by the probe, the controller moves the residual path to the tool centre point path, stops and then outputs the corresponding M function. The channel parameter must be set to 1 if the residual path is to refer to the contour when tool radius compensation is active. The controller then calculates the motion path on the tool centre point path so that the required residual path moves along the contour. A rotary simulation axis must be configured to use this function. Set the operation mode 0x04000004 (P-AXIS-00015) for this axis in the axis parameters. |
Parameter | kasto_relate_to_prog_contour |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0/1 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: kasto_relate_to_prog_contour 1 |