Automatic travel range limit (P-CHAN-00268)
P-CHAN-00268 | Automatic motion path limiting |
Description | The programmed target positions of a measurement block (G100) must be inside the software limit switches (SLS), otherwise the measurement motion is not started or executed. With specific measurement processes, the position of the PCS target positions is unknown. Movement should continue along the programmed direction until the probe responds. The parameter P-CHAN-00268 can activate the automatic limit of the measurement process. If no probe signal is detected during the measurement travel, the CNC stops the movement before the software limit switch or IMCS rectangular workspace or protection area (as of V3.1.3079.22). An error message is output with ID 50706 . This function is available with measuring methods 1, 2, 3, and 4. Measurement offsets set in the axis parameters P-AXIS-00114 or P-AXIS-00467 are only effective if the CNC does not execute any limiting of the measurement travel. |
Parameter | meas_soft_limit_move_path |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: Programmed measurement motions with target position outside software limit switches are not started; a software limit switch error message is output. 1: Programmed measurement motions with target outside software limit switches are started without error message. If the measurement is not executed by the time the end of the motion path (SLS) is reached, the CNC stops the movement and error message ID 50706 is output. |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: meas_soft_limit_move_path 1 |