Maximum permissible percentage radius difference (P-CHAN-00172)
P-CHAN-00172 | Maximum permissible percentage radius difference during circle programming |
Description | This parameter specifies the permissible relative radius difference referred to the circle radius per mil. If the relative radius difference of a programmed circle is below the limit defined by the parameter, the circle radius is transferred linearly to the target radius starting from the starting radius, otherwise an error message is output. The effectively active circle radius difference error is considered by P-CHAN-00171 . |
Parameter | max_proz_radius_diff_circle |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 < max_proz_radius_diff_circle < 500 |
Dimension | 0.1% |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | P-CHAN-00172 is only effective in combination with G164 and the channel parameter P-CHAN-00171 . Parameterisation example: The percentage circle radius error may amount to maximum 1%. Circle radius 100 mm -> permissible relative circle radius difference 1 mm. max_proz_radius_diff_circle 10 |