This function block removes all the axes from an axis group. This is an administrative FB, i.e. no motion job is generated.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
AxesGroup | AXES_GROUP_REF | Axis group reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Execute | BOOL | All the axes are removed from an axis group on a rising edge. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Done | BOOL | All the axes are removed from an axis group on a rising edge. |
Busy | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the function block is executing a job. |
Error | BOOL | TRUE indicates that an error occurred. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error code |

The following conditions must be met to permit this function block to work correctly when the axis reference at the “Axis” input is an axis:
The spindle axis must be notified to the NC channel by specifying it in the channel parameter list (see [FCT-S1//NC spindle]).
The identifier to address the spindle in the channel and defined by the channel parameter P-CHAN-00007 must be formed from the letter “S” followed by the logical axis number of the spindle (P-CHAN-00036). For example, if P-CHAN-00036 = 2, then S2 must be specified for P-CHAN-00007.